Source code for dimspy.metadata

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright © 2017-2020 Ralf Weber, Albert Zhou.
# This file is part of DIMSpy.
# DIMSpy is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# DIMSpy is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with DIMSpy.  If not, see <>.

import collections
import csv
import os
import re
import warnings
from typing import Sequence, Dict

import numpy as np

from .models.peak_matrix import PeakMatrix
from .models.peaklist import PeakList

[docs]def mz_range_from_header(h: str) -> Sequence[float]: """ Extract m/z range from header or filter string :param h: Header or filter string :return: m/z range """ return [float(m) for m in re.findall(r'([\w\.-]+)-([\w\.-]+)', h)[0]]
[docs]def ms_type_from_header(h: str) -> str: """ Extract the ms type from header or filter string :param h: header or filter string :return: ms type (e.g. FTMS and ITMS) """ return h.split(" ")[0]
[docs]def scan_type_from_header(h: str) -> str: """ Extract the scan type from the header of filter string :param h: header or filter string :return: Scan type (e.g. full or sim) """ if " full " in h.lower(): return "Full" elif " sim " in h.lower(): return "SIM" else: return None
[docs]def mode_type_from_header(h: str) -> str: """ Extract scan mode from the header of filter string :param h: header or filter string :return: Scan type (e.g. p = profile, c = centroid) """ if " p " in h.lower(): return "p" elif " c " in h.lower(): return "c" else: return None
[docs]def count_scan_types(hs: list) -> int: """ Count the number of unique scan types :param hs: List of headers or filter strings :return: Count """ return len(set([scan_type_from_header(h) for h in hs]))
[docs]def count_ms_types(hs: list) -> int: """ Count the number of unique ms types :param hs: List of headers or filter strings :return: Count """ return len(set([ms_type_from_header(h) for h in hs]))
def _partially_overlapping_windows(mzrs: list) -> list: """ Select all adjacent m/z windows that partially overlap For example: [100-200] and [185-285] (Valid for SIM-stitch) :param mzrs: Nested list of mz ranges / windows :return: Nested list of m/z ranges / windows """ assert type(mzrs) == list, "List required" temp = [] for i in range(0, len(mzrs) - 1): if mzrs[i][0] < mzrs[i + 1][0] and mzrs[i][1] > mzrs[i + 1][0] and mzrs[i][1] < mzrs[i + 1][1]: if mzrs[i] not in temp: temp.append(mzrs[i]) if mzrs[i + 1] not in temp: temp.append(mzrs[i + 1]) return temp def _first_fully_overlapping_windows(mzrs: list) -> list: """ Select m/z windows that fall within another window and have a different mass ranges For example: [100-200] and [125-175] (Invalid) :param mzrs: Nested list of m/z ranges / windows :return: Nested list of m/z ranges / windows """ assert type(mzrs) == list, "List required" for i in range(0, len(mzrs) - 1): if mzrs[i][0] <= mzrs[i + 1][0] and mzrs[i][1] >= mzrs[i + 1][1]: return mzrs[i], mzrs[i + 1] # Temporary print return [] def _non_overlapping_windows(mzrs: list) -> list: """ Select windows that do not overlap with other windows. For example: [100-200] and [200-400] (Valid for merging) :param mzrs: Nested list of m/z ranges / windows :return: Nested list of m/z ranges / windows """ assert type(mzrs) == list, "List required" temp = [] for i in range(0, len(mzrs)): c = 0 for j in range(0, len(mzrs)): if mzrs[i][0] <= mzrs[j][0] and mzrs[i][1] <= mzrs[j][0]: c += 1 elif mzrs[i][0] >= mzrs[j][1] and mzrs[i][1] >= mzrs[j][1]: c += 1 if c == len(mzrs) - 1: temp.append(mzrs[i]) return temp
[docs]def interpret_method(mzrs: list): """ Interpret and define type of method :param mzrs: Nested list of m/z ranges / windows :return: Type of MS method """ mzrs.sort(key=lambda x: x[1]) now = _non_overlapping_windows(mzrs) pow = _partially_overlapping_windows(mzrs) if len(mzrs) == 1: print("Single m/z window.....") method = "single" elif len(now) == len(mzrs): print("Adjacent m/z windows.....") method = "adjacent" elif len(pow) == len(mzrs): print("SIM-Stitch method - Overlapping m/z windows.....") method = "overlapping" else: raise IOError("SIM-Stitch cannot be applied; 'filter_scan_events' required or set 'skip_stitching' to False") return method
[docs]def to_int(x): """ :param x: Value to convert to int :return: Value as int (or False if conversion not possible) """ try: i = int(x) return i except ValueError as e: return False
[docs]def validate_metadata(fn_tsv: str) -> collections.OrderedDict: """ Check and validate metadata within a tab-separated file :param fn_tsv: Path to tab-separated file :return: Dictionary """ assert os.path.isfile(fn_tsv.encode('unicode_escape')), "{} does not exist".format(fn_tsv) with open(fn_tsv.encode('unicode_escape')) as tsv: fm_dict = collections.OrderedDict() for row in csv.DictReader(tsv, delimiter="\t"): for k, v in row.items(): fm_dict.setdefault(k, []).append(v) if "filename" not in fm_dict: raise IOError("Column 'filename' missing.") unique, counts = np.unique(fm_dict["filename"], return_counts=True) if len(unique) != sum(counts): raise ValueError("Duplicate filename in list") # convert relevant columns to int for h in ['replicate', 'batch', 'injectionOrder', 'multilist']: if h in fm_dict: int_l = [] for c, x in enumerate(fm_dict[h]): i = to_int(x) assert to_int(i), "Column '{}' values should be integers, see row {}".format(h, c+1) int_l.append(i) fm_dict[h] = int_l if "replicate" in fm_dict.keys(): if 0 in fm_dict["replicate"]: raise IOError("Incorrect replicate number in list. Row {}".format(list(fm_dict["replicate"]).index(0))) idxs_replicates = idxs_reps_from_filelist(fm_dict["replicate"]) counts = {} for idxs in idxs_replicates: if len(idxs) not in counts: counts[len(idxs)] = 1 else: counts[len(idxs)] += 1 for k, v in list(counts.items()): print("{} sample(s) with {} replicate(s)".format(v, k)) else: print("Column for replicate numbers missing. Only required for replicate filter.") if "batch" in fm_dict.keys(): unique_batches, counts = np.unique(fm_dict["batch"], return_counts=True) print("Batch numbers:", unique_batches) print("Number of samples in each Batch:", dict(list(zip(unique_batches, counts)))) else: print("Column for batch number missing. Not required.") if "injectionOrder" in fm_dict: assert np.array_equal(fm_dict["injectionOrder"], sorted( fm_dict["injectionOrder"])), "Check the injectionOrder column - samples not in order" else: print("Column for sample injection order missing. Not required.") if "classLabel" in fm_dict: if "replicate" in fm_dict: for i in range(len(idxs_replicates)): assert len(np.unique(fm_dict["classLabel"][min(idxs_replicates[i]):max( idxs_replicates[i]) + 1])) == 1, "class names do not match with number of replicates" unique, counts = np.unique(fm_dict["classLabel"], return_counts=True) cls = dict(list(zip(unique, counts))) print("Classes:", cls) else: warnings.warn("Column 'classLabel' for class labels missing. Not required.") if "multilist" not in fm_dict: print("Column 'multilist' for spliting peaklists is missing. Not required.") return fm_dict
[docs]def update_metadata_and_labels(peaklists: Sequence[PeakList], fl: Dict): """ Update metadata :param peaklists: List of peaklist Objects :param fl: Dictionary with meta data :return: List of peaklist objects """ if not isinstance(peaklists[0], PeakList): raise IOError("PeakList object required") for k in list(fl.keys()): for pl in peaklists: if pl.ID not in fl[list(fl.keys())[0]]: raise IOError("filelist and peaklist do not match {}".format(pl.ID)) index = fl[list(fl.keys())[0]].index(pl.ID) pl.metadata[k] = fl[k][index] # pl.metadata["filelist"] = {k:fl[k][index] for k in fl.keys()} for tag_name in ["replicate", "replicates", "batch", "injectionOrder", "classLabel"]: if tag_name in list(fl.keys()): if pl.tags.has_tag_type(tag_name): pl.tags.drop_tag_type(tag_name) pl.tags.add_tag(fl[tag_name][index], tag_name) return peaklists
[docs]def update_labels(pm: PeakMatrix, fn_tsv: str) -> PeakMatrix: """ Update Sample labels PeakMatrix object :param pm: peakMatrix Object :param fn_tsv: Path to tab-separated file :return: peakMatrix Object """ assert os.path.isfile(fn_tsv.encode('unicode_escape')), "{} does not exist".format(fn_tsv) with open(fn_tsv.encode('unicode_escape')) as tsv: fm_dict = collections.OrderedDict() for row in csv.DictReader(tsv, delimiter="\t"): for k, v in row.items(): fm_dict.setdefault(k, []).append(v) assert "sample_id" == list(fm_dict.keys())[0] or "filename" == list(fm_dict.keys())[ 0], "Column for class labels not available" assert "classLabel" in fm_dict.keys(), "Column for class label (classLabel) not available" assert (np.array(fm_dict[list(fm_dict.keys())[0]]) == np.array( pm.peaklist_ids)).all(), "Sample ids do not match {}".format( np.setdiff1d(np.array(fm_dict[list(fm_dict.keys())[0]]), np.array(pm.peaklist_ids))) for tag_name in ["replicate", "replicates", "batch", "injectionOrder", "classLabel"]: if tag_name in fm_dict: for i in range(len(fm_dict[tag_name])): if pm.peaklist_tags[i].has_tag_type(tag_name): pm.peaklist_tags[i].drop_tag_type(tag_name) pm.peaklist_tags[i].add_tag(fm_dict[tag_name][i], tag_name) return pm
[docs]def idxs_reps_from_filelist(replicates: list): """ :param replicates: :return: """ idxs, temp = [], [0] replicates = [int(r) for r in replicates] for i in range(1, len(replicates)): if (replicates[i - 1] == replicates[i] or replicates[i - 1] > replicates[i]) and replicates[i] == 1: idxs.append(temp) temp = [i] elif replicates[i - 1] < replicates[i] and replicates[i - 1] - replicates[i] == -1: temp.append(i) else: raise ValueError("Incorrect numbering for replicates. Row {}".format(i)) idxs.append(temp) return idxs