Source code for

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright © 2017-2020 Ralf Weber, Albert Zhou.
# This file is part of DIMSpy.
# DIMSpy is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# DIMSpy is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with DIMSpy.  If not, see <>.

import collections
import logging
import operator
import os
from itertools import combinations
from typing import Sequence, Dict, Union

import h5py
import numpy as np

from .metadata import validate_metadata
from .metadata import idxs_reps_from_filelist
from .metadata import interpret_method
from .metadata import mz_range_from_header
from .metadata import update_labels
from .metadata import update_metadata_and_labels
from .models.peak_matrix import PeakMatrix
from .models.peaklist import PeakList
from .models.peaklist_tags import Tag
from .portals import hdf5_portal
from .portals import txt_portal
from .portals.paths import validate_and_sort_paths
from .process.peak_alignment import align_peaks
from .process.peak_filters import filter_attr
from .process.peak_filters import filter_blank_peaks
from .process.peak_filters import filter_fraction
from .process.peak_filters import filter_mz_ranges
from .process.peak_filters import filter_ringing
from .process.peak_filters import filter_rsd
from .process.replicate_processing import average_replicate_peaklists
from .process.replicate_processing import average_replicate_scans
from .process.replicate_processing import join_peaklists
from .process.replicate_processing import read_scans
from .process.replicate_processing import remove_edges

[docs]def process_scans(source: str, function_noise: str, snr_thres: float, ppm: float, min_fraction: Union[float, None] = None, rsd_thres: Union[float, None] = None, min_scans: int = 1, filelist: Union[str, None] = None, skip_stitching: bool = False, remove_mz_range: list or None = None, ringing_thres: Union[float, None] = None, filter_scan_events: Dict or None = None, report: Union[str, None] = None, block_size: int = 5000, ncpus: int or None = None): """ Extract, filter and average spectral data from input .RAW or .mzML files and generate a single mass spectral peaklist (object) for each of the data files within a directory or defined in the ‘filelist’ (if provided). .. warning:: When using .mzML files generated using the Proteowizard tool, SIM-type scans will only be treated as spectra if the ‘simAsSpectra’ filter was set to true during the conversion process: *msconvert.exe example.raw* **--simAsSpectra** *--64 --zlib --filter "peakPicking true 1-”* :param source: Path to a set/directory of .raw or .mzML files :param function_noise: Function to calculate the noise from each scan. The following options are available: * **median** - the median of all peak intensities within a given scan is used as the noise value. * **mean** - the unweighted mean average of all peak intensities within a given scan is used as the noise value. * **mad (Mean Absolute Deviation)** - the noise value is set as the mean of the absolute differences between peak intensities and the mean peak intensity (calculated across all peak intensities within a given scan). * **noise_packets** - the noise value is calculated using the proprietary algorithms contained in Thermo Fisher Scientific’s msFileReader library. This option should only be applied when you are processing .RAW files. :param snr_thres: Peaks with a signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) less-than or equal-to this value will be removed from the output peaklist. :param ppm: Maximum tolerated m/z deviation in parts per million. :param min_fraction: A numerical value from 0 to 1 that specifies the minimum proportion of scans a given mass spectral peak must be detected in, in order for it to be kept in the output peaklist. Here, scans refers to replicates of the same scan event type, i.e. if set to 0.33, then a peak would need to be detected in at least 1 of the 3 replicates of a given scan event type. :param rsd_thres: Relative standard deviation threshold - A numerical value equal-to or greater-than 0. If greater than 0, then peaks whose intensity values have a percent relative standard deviation (otherwise termed the percent coefficient of variation) greater-than this value are excluded from the output peaklist. :param min_scans: Minimum number of scans required for each *m/z* window or event within a raw/mzML data file. :param filelist: A tab-delimited text file containing **filename** and **classLabel** information for each experimental sample. These column headers MUST be included in the first row of the table. For a standard DIMS experiment, users are advised to also include the following additional columns: * **injectionOrder** - integer values ranging from 1 to i, where i is the total number of independent injections performed as part of a DIMS experiment. e.g. if a study included 20 samples, each of which was injected as four independent replicates, there would be at least 20 * 4 injections, so i = 80 and the range for injection order would be from 1 to 80 in steps of 1. * **replicate** - integer value from 1 to r, indicating the order in which technical replicates of each study sample were injected in to the mass spectrometer, e.g. if study samples were analysed in quadruplicate, r = 4 and integer values are accordingly 1, 2, 3, 4. * **batch** - integer value from 1 to b, where b corresponds to the total number of batches analysed under define analysis conditions, for any given experiment. e.g. : if 4 independent plates of polar extracts were analysed in the positive ionisation mode, then valid values for batch are 1, 2, 3 and 4. This filelist may include additional columns, e.g. additional metadata relating to study samples. Ensure that columns names do not conflict with existing column names. :param skip_stitching: Selected Ion Monitoring (SIM) scans with overlapping scan ranges can be "stitched" together in to a pseudo-spectrum. This is achieved by setting this parameter to False (default). :param remove_mz_range: This option allows for specific m/z regions of the output peaklist to be deleted, this option may be useful for removing sections of a spectrum known to correspond to system noise peaks. :param ringing_thres: Fourier transform-based mass spectra often contain peaks (ringing artefacts) around spectral features that require removal. This threshold is a positive float indicating the required relative intensity a peak must exceed (with reference to the largest peak in a cluster of peaks) in order to be retained. :param filter_scan_events: Include or exclude specific scan events, by default all ALL scan events will be included. To include or exclude specific scan events use the following format of a dictionary. >>> {"include":[[100, 300, "sim"]]} or {"include":[[100, 1000, "full"]]} :param report: A tab-delimited text file to write measures of quality (e.g. RSD, number of peaks, etc) for each scan event processed in each .RAW or .mzML files. :param block_size: Number peaks in each centre clustering block. :param ncpus: Number of CPUs for parallel clustering. Default = None, indicating using all CPUs that are available :return: List of peaklist objects """ if filter_scan_events is None: filter_scan_events = {} if remove_mz_range is None: remove_mz_range = [] filenames = validate_and_sort_paths(source, filelist) if len([fn for fn in filenames if not fn.lower().endswith(".mzml") or not fn.lower().endswith(".raw")]) == 0: raise IOError("Incorrect file format. Provide .mzML and .raw files") if filelist is not None: fl = validate_metadata(filelist) else: fl = collections.OrderedDict() if report is not None: out = open(report, "w") out.write("filename\tevent\tscans\tpeaks\tmedian_rsd\n") pls = [] for i in range(len(filenames)): print() print((os.path.basename(filenames[i]))) if type(source) is not str: source = "" print("Reading scans....") pls_scans = read_scans(filenames[i], function_noise, min_scans, filter_scan_events) if type(remove_mz_range) == list and len(remove_mz_range) > 0: print("Removing m/z ranges.....") for h in pls_scans: pls_scans[h] = [filter_mz_ranges(pl, remove_mz_range) if len( > 0 else pl for pl in pls_scans[h]] if not skip_stitching: mz_ranges = [mz_range_from_header(h) for h in pls_scans] exp = interpret_method(mz_ranges) if exp == "overlapping": print("Removing 'edges' from SIM windows.....") pls_scans = remove_edges(pls_scans) if ringing_thres is not None and float(ringing_thres) > 0.0: print("Removing ringing artifacts.....") for h in pls_scans: pls_scans[h] = [filter_ringing(pl, threshold=ringing_thres, bin_size=1.0) if len( > 0 else pl for pl in pls_scans[h]] print("Removing noise.....") for h in pls_scans: pls_scans[h] = [filter_attr(pl, "snr", min_threshold=snr_thres) if len( > 0 else pl for pl in pls_scans[h]] print("Aligning, averaging and filtering peaks.....") pls_avg = [] for h in pls_scans: nscans, n_peaks, median_rsd = len(pls_scans[h]), 0, "NA" # pls_scans[h] = [pl for pl in pls_scans[h] if len( > 0] if len(pls_scans[h]) >= 1: if sum(pl.shape[0] for pl in pls_scans[h]) == 0: logging.warning("No scan data available for {}".format(h)) else: pl_avg = average_replicate_scans(h, pls_scans[h], ppm, min_fraction, rsd_thres, "intensity", block_size, ncpus) pls_avg.append(pl_avg) n_peaks, median_rsd = pl_avg.shape[0], np.nanmedian(pl_avg.rsd) else: logging.warning("No scan data available for {}".format(h)) if report is not None: out.write("{}\t{}\t{}\t{}\t{}\n".format(os.path.basename(filenames[i]), h, nscans, n_peaks, median_rsd)) if len(pls_avg) == 0: raise IOError("No peaks remaining after filtering. Remove file from Study (filelist).") if not skip_stitching or len(list(pls_scans.keys())) == 1: pl = join_peaklists(os.path.basename(filenames[i]), pls_avg) pl = update_metadata_and_labels([pl], fl) pls.extend(pl) if len(list(pls_scans.keys())) > 1 and report is not None: out.write( "{}\t{}\t{}\t{}\t{}\n".format(os.path.basename(filenames[i]), "SIM-Stitch", "NA", pl[0].shape[0], np.nanmedian(pl[0].rsd))) else: for pl in pls_avg: pl = update_metadata_and_labels([pl], fl) pl = join_peaklists("{}#{}".format(os.path.basename(filenames[i]), pl[0].metadata["header"][0]), pl) pls.append(pl) if report is not None: out.close() return pls
[docs]def replicate_filter(source: Union[Sequence[PeakList], str], ppm: float, replicates: int, min_peaks: int, rsd_thres: Union[float, None] = None, filelist: Union[str, None] = None, report: Union[str, None] = None, block_size: int = 5000, ncpus: int or None = None): """ Peaks from each technical replicate (for a given study sample) are aligned using a one-dimensional hierarchical clustering procedure (applied on the mass-to-charge level). Peaks are aligned only if the difference in their mass-to-charge ratios, when divided by the average of their mass-to-charge ratios and multiplied by 1 × 10\ :sup:`6` \ (i.e. when measured in units of parts-per-million, ppm), is less-than or equal-to the user-defined ‘ppm error tolerance’. After alignment, a set of user-defined filters are applied to retain only those peaks that: * occur in equal-to or more-than the user-defined 'Number of technical replicates a peak has to be present in', i.e. if set to 2, then a peak must be detected in at least two of the replicate analyses, **and/or** * have relative standard deviation (measured in %; may otherwise be referred to as the percent coefficient of variation) of intensity values, across technical replicates, that is equal-to or less-than the user-defined ‘relative standard deviation threshold’ (if defined, otherwise ignored). .. warning:: When the parameter “number of technical replicates for each sample” is set to a value less-than the total number of technical replicates actually acquired for each study sample, this tool will automatically determine which combination of technical replicates to combine. See the parameter description (below) for further details. :param source: A list of processed peaklist objects generated by 'process_scans' or path to .hdf5 file :param ppm: Maximum tolerated m/z deviation in parts per million. :param replicates: Number of technical replicates for each sample - the total number of technical replicates acquired for each study sample. This value must be set to the lowest number of technical replicates acquired for ANY of the study samples, or alternatively, may be set to the minimum number of replicates the user would like to select from the total number of technical replicates for a biological sample. :param min_peaks: Minimum number of technical replicates a peak has to be present in. For a given biological sample, the number of replicates that will be used to generate the replicate-filtered peaklist. If this parameter is set to a value less-than the total number of technical replicates acquired for each biological sample, it will automatically determines which combination of technical replicates yields the best overall rank. Otherwise, all technical replicates are used. Ranking of the combinations of technical replicates is based on the average of the following three scores: * score 1: peak count / peak count present in n-out-n (e.g. 3-out-of-3) * score 2: peak count present in x-out-of-n (e.g. 3-out-of-3) / MAX peak count present in x-out-of-n across sets of replicates * score 3: RSD categories (0-5 (score=1.0), 5-10 (score=0.9), 10-15 (score=0.8), etc) :param rsd_thres: Relative standard deviation threshold - a numerical value from 0 upwards that defines the acceptable percentage relative standard deviation (otherwise termed the percent coefficient of variation) of a peak’s intensity across technical replicates. Peaks are removed from the output ‘replicate-filtered’ peaklist if this condition is not met. Set to None to skipe this filter. :param filelist: A tab-delimited text file containing **filename** and **classLabel** information for each experimental sample. There is no need to provide a filelist again if this has been done already as part of one of the previous processing steps (i.e. see process scans or replicate filter) - except if specific samples need to be excluded. These column headers MUST be included in the first row of the table. For a standard DIMS experiment, users are advised to also include the following additional columns: * **injectionOrder** - integer values ranging from 1 to i, where i is the total number of independent injections performed as part of a DIMS experiment. e.g. if a study included 20 samples, each of which was injected as four independent replicates, there would be at least 20 * 4 injections, so i = 80 and the range for injection order would be from 1 to 80 in steps of 1. * **replicate** - integer value from 1 to r, indicating the order in which technical replicates of each study sample were injected in to the mass spectrometer, e.g. if study samples were analysed in quadruplicate, r = 4 and integer values are accordingly 1, 2, 3, 4. * **batch** - integer value from 1 to b, where b corresponds to the total number of batches analysed under define analysis conditions, for any given experiment. e.g. : if 4 independent plates of polar extracts were analysed in the positive ionisation mode, then valid values for batch are 1, 2, 3 and 4. This filelist may include additional columns, e.g. additional metadata relating to study samples. Ensure that columns names do not conflict with existing column names. :param report: A tab-delimited text file to write measures of quality (e.g. RSD, number of peaks, etc) for each processed 'replicate-filtered' peaklist. :param block_size: Number peaks in each centre clustering block. :param ncpus: Number of CPUs for parallel clustering. Default = None, indicating using all CPUs that are available :return: List of peaklist objects """ if replicates < min_peaks: raise IOError( "Provide realistic values for the number of replicates and minimum number of peaks present (min_peaks)") filenames = validate_and_sort_paths(source, filelist) if len(filenames) == 0: raise IOError( "Provide a filelist that list all the text files (columnname:filename) and assign replicate numbers to " "each filename/sample (columnname:replicate)") peaklists = load_peaklists(source) if filelist is not None: fl = validate_metadata(filelist) peaklists = [pl for pl in peaklists if pl.ID in [os.path.basename(fn) for fn in filenames]] peaklists = update_metadata_and_labels(peaklists, fl) if not hasattr(peaklists[0].metadata, "replicate"): raise IOError("Provide a filelist and assign replicate numbers (columnname:replicate) to each filename/sample") if report is not None: out = open(report, "w") idxs_peaklists = idxs_reps_from_filelist([pl.metadata.replicate for pl in peaklists]) unique, counts = np.unique([int(pl.metadata.replicate) for pl in peaklists], return_counts=True) if len(counts) <= 1: raise ValueError("No technical replicates available (single) - Skip 'replicate filter'") if max(unique) < replicates: raise ValueError("Replicates incorrectly labeled") if sum(counts) != len(peaklists): raise ValueError("Replicates incorrectly labeled") reps_each_sample = [len(idxs_pls) for idxs_pls in idxs_peaklists] if min(reps_each_sample) < replicates: raise ValueError("Not enough (technical) replicates available for each sample.") if max(reps_each_sample) > replicates: print(("NOTE: All combinations (n={}) for each each set of replicates are " "processed to calculate the most reproducible set.".format(replicates))) if report is not None: out.write("set\trank\tname\tpeaks\tpeaks_{}oo{}\tmedian_rsd_{}oo{}\tscore\n".format(replicates, replicates, replicates, replicates)) else: if report is not None: out.write( "name\tpeaks\tpeaks_{}oo{}\tmedian_rsd_{}oo{}\n".format(replicates, replicates, replicates, replicates)) pls_rep_filt = [] for idxs_pls in range(len(idxs_peaklists)): temp = [] max_peak_count, max_peak_count_present = 0, 0 for pls_comb in combinations(peaklists[idxs_peaklists[idxs_pls][0]:idxs_peaklists[idxs_pls][-1] + 1], replicates): pl = average_replicate_peaklists(pls_comb, ppm, min_peaks, rsd_thres, block_size=block_size, ncpus=ncpus) if hasattr(pls_comb[0].metadata, "injectionOrder"): pl.metadata["injectionOrder"] = int(pls_comb[0].metadata["injectionOrder"]) pl.tags.add_tag(int(pls_comb[0].metadata["injectionOrder"]), "injectionOrder") reps = [_pl.metadata["replicate"] for _pl in pls_comb] pl.metadata["replicates"] = reps pl.tags.add_tag("-".join(map(str, reps)), "replicates") for t in pls_comb[0].tags.tags: if t.ttype != "replicate": if not pl.tags.has_tag_type(t.ttype): pl.tags.add_tag(t) pl_filt = filter_attr(pl.copy(), attr_name="present", min_threshold=replicates, flag_name="pres_rsd") median_rsd = np.median(pl_filt.get_attribute("rsd", flagged_only=True)) temp.append([pl, pl.shape[0], pl_filt.shape[0], median_rsd]) if pl_filt.shape[0] > max_peak_count_present: max_peak_count_present = pl_filt.shape[0] # find the RSD category for the median RDS bins = np.array(list(range(0, 55, 5))) rsd_scores = [0.1 * b for b in reversed(list(range(len(bins))))] for i, comb in enumerate(temp): if np.isnan(comb[3]): rsd_score = 0.0 else: inds = np.digitize([comb[3]], bins) rsd_score = rsd_scores[inds[0] - 1] # score 1: peak count / peak count present in n-out-n (e.g. 3-out-of-3) # score 2: peak count present in n-out-n (e.g. 3-out-of-3) / MAX peak count present in n-out-n across replicates # score 3: RSD categories (0-5 (score=1.0), 5-10 (score=0.9), 10-15 (score=0.8), etc) scores = [comb[2] / float(comb[1]), comb[2] / float(max_peak_count_present), rsd_score] if np.isnan(sum(scores)): scores.append(0) else: scores.append(sum(scores) / 3.0) temp[i].extend(scores) if sum([comb[-1] for comb in temp]) == 0.0: logging.warning( "insufficient data available to calculate scores for {}".format(str([comb[0].ID for comb in temp]))) # sort the scores from high to low temp.sort(key=operator.itemgetter(-1), reverse=True) # select the replicate filtered peaklist that is ranked first pls_rep_filt.append(temp[0][0]) if report is not None: for p in range(0, len(temp)): if max(reps_each_sample) > replicates: out.write("{}\t{}\t{}\t{}\t{}\t{}\t{}\n".format(idxs_pls + 1, p + 1, temp[p][0].ID, temp[p][1], temp[p][2], temp[p][3], temp[p][-1])) else: out.write("{}\t{}\t{}\t{}\n".format(temp[p][0].ID, temp[p][1], temp[p][2], temp[p][3])) if report is not None: out.close() return pls_rep_filt
[docs]def align_samples(source: Union[Sequence[PeakList], str], ppm: float, filelist: Union[str, None] = None, block_size: int = 5000, ncpus: int or None = None): """ Study samples (i.e. PeakList Objects) are aligned to create PeakMatrix object. The PeakMatrix object comprises of a table, with samples along one axis and the mass-to-charge ratios of detected mass spectral peaks along the opposite axis. At the intersection of sample and mass-to-charge ratio, the intensity is given for a specific peak in a specific sample (if no intensity recorded, then ‘nan’ is inserted). :param source: A list of processed peaklist objects generated by 'process_scans' and/or 'replicate_filter', or path to .hdf5 file. :param ppm: Maximum tolerated m/z deviation in parts per million. :param filelist: A tab-delimited text file containing **filename** and **classLabel** information for each experimental sample. There is no need to provide a filelist again if this has been done already as part of one of the previous processing steps (i.e. see process scans or replicate filter) - except if specific samples need to be excluded. These column headers MUST be included in the first row of the table. This filelist may include additional columns, e.g. additional metadata relating to study samples. Ensure that column names do not conflict with existing column names. :param block_size: Number peaks in each centre clustering block. :param ncpus: Number of CPUs for parallel clustering. Default = None, indicating using all CPUs that are available :return: PeakMatrix object """ filenames = validate_and_sort_paths(source, filelist) peaklists = load_peaklists(source) if filelist is not None: fl = validate_metadata(filelist) peaklists = [pl for pl in peaklists if pl.ID in [os.path.basename(fn) for fn in filenames]] peaklists = update_metadata_and_labels(peaklists, fl) return align_peaks(peaklists, ppm=ppm, block_size=block_size, ncpus=ncpus)
[docs]def blank_filter(peak_matrix: Union[PeakMatrix, str], blank_label: str, min_fraction: float = 1.0, min_fold_change: float = 1.0, function: str = "mean", rm_samples: bool = True, labels: Union[str, None] = None): """ :param peak_matrix: PeakMatrix object :param blank_label: Label for the blank samples - a string indicating the name of the class to be used for filtering (e.g. blank), i.e. the “reference” class. This string must have been included in the “classLabel” column of the metadata file associated with the process_sans or replicate_filter function(s). :param min_fraction: A numeric value ranging from 0 to 1. Setting this value to None or 0 will skip this filtering step. A value greater than 0 requires that for each peak in the peak intensity matrix, at least this proportion of non-reference samples have to have an intensity value that exceeds the product of: (A) the average intensity of “reference” class intensities and (B) the user-defined “min_fold_change”. If this condition is not met, the peak is removed from the peak intensity matrix. :param min_fold_change: A numeric value from 0 upwards. When minimum fraction filtering is enabled, this value defines the minimum required ratio between the intensity of a peak in a “non-reference” sample and the average intensity of the “reference” sample(s). Peaks with ratios exceeding this threshold are considered to have been reliably detected in a “non-reference” sample. :param function: Function to calculate the 'reference' intensity * **mean** - corresponds to using the non-weighted average of “reference” sample peak intensities (NA values are ignored) in calculating the “reference” to “non-reference” peak intensity ratio. * **median** - corresponds to using the median of “reference” sample peak intensities (NA values are ignored) in calculating the “reference” to “non-reference” peak intensity ratio. * **max** corresponds to the use of the maximum intensity among “reference” sample peak intensities (NA values are ignored) in calculating the “reference” to “non-reference” peak intensity ratio. :param rm_samples: Remove blank samples from the output peak matrix: * **True** - samples belonging to the user-defined “reference” class are removed from the output peak matrix * **False** - samples belonging to the user-defined “reference” class are retained in the output peak matrix. :param labels: Path to the metadata file :return: PeakMatrix object """ if min_fraction < 0.0 or min_fraction > 1.0: raise ValueError("Provide a value between 0. and 1.") if min_fold_change < 0: raise ValueError("Provide a value larger than zero.") if function not in ("mean", "median", "max"): raise ValueError("Mean, median or max intensity") if not isinstance(peak_matrix, PeakMatrix): if h5py.is_hdf5(peak_matrix): peak_matrix = hdf5_portal.load_peak_matrix_from_hdf5(peak_matrix) else: peak_matrix = txt_portal.load_peak_matrix_from_txt(peak_matrix) if labels is not None: peak_matrix = update_labels(peak_matrix, labels) if not any([Tag(blank_label, 'classLabel') in x for x in peak_matrix.peaklist_tags]): raise IOError("Blank label ({}) does not exist".format(blank_label)) return filter_blank_peaks(peak_matrix, Tag(blank_label, 'classLabel'), min_fraction, min_fold_change, function, rm_samples)
[docs]def sample_filter(peak_matrix: Union[PeakMatrix, str], min_fraction: float, within: bool = False, rsd_thres: Union[float, None] = None, qc_label: Union[str, None] = None, labels: Union[str, None] = None): """ Removes peaks from the input PeakMatrix object (or .hdf5 file that were detected in fewer-than a user-defined minimum number of study samples. There are many and varied reasons why a peak may not have been detected in all study samples, including: * due to having an intensity (concentration) close to the signal-to-noise limit of the system; * due to having been present in only one of the study classes (e.g. a drug administered to the ‘treatment’ class samples); * due to ion suppression/enhancement effects in the mass spectrometer source region; etc. :param peak_matrix: PeakMatrix object or path to .hdf5 file :param min_fraction: Minimum fraction - a numeric value between 0 and 1 indicating the proportion of study samples in which a peak must have a recorded intensity value in order for it to be retained in the output peak intensity matrix; e.g. 0.5 means that at least 50% of samples (whether assessed across all classes, or within each class individually) must have a recorded intensity value for a specific peak in order for it to be retained in the output peak matrix. :param within: Apply sample filter within each sample class * **False** - check across ALL classes simultaneously whether greater-than the user-defined “Minimum fraction” of samples contained an intensity value for a specific mass spectral peak. * **True** - check within EACH class separately whether greater-than the user-defined “Minimum fraction” of samples contained an intensity value for a specific mass spectral peak. .. warning:: if in ANY class a peak is detected in greater-than the user-defined minimum fraction of samples, then the peak is retained in the output peak matrix. For classes in which this condition is not met, the peak intensity recorded for that peak (if any) will still be presented in the output peak matrix. If no peak intensity was recorded in a sample, then a ‘0’ is inserted in to the peak matrix. :param rsd_thres: Relative standard deviation threshold - A numerical value equal-to or greater-than 0. If greater than 0, then peaks whose intensity values have a percent relative standard deviation (otherwise termed the percent coefficient of variation) greater-than this value are excluded from the output PeakMatrix object. :param qc_label: Label for the QC samples - a string indicating the name of the class to be used for filtering, i.e. the “reference” class. This string must have been included in the “classLabel” column of the metadata file associated with the process_sans or replicate_filter function(s). :param labels: Path to a metadata file :return: PeakMatrix object """ if not isinstance(peak_matrix, PeakMatrix): if h5py.is_hdf5(peak_matrix): peak_matrix = hdf5_portal.load_peak_matrix_from_hdf5(peak_matrix) else: peak_matrix = txt_portal.load_peak_matrix_from_txt(peak_matrix) if labels is not None: if not os.path.isfile(labels): raise IOError("{} does not exist".format(labels)) peak_matrix = update_labels(peak_matrix, labels) if qc_label is not None: if Tag(qc_label, 'classLabel') not in peak_matrix.peaklist_tags: raise IOError("QC label ({}) does not exist".format(qc_label)) peak_matrix = filter_fraction(peak_matrix, min_fraction, within_classes=within, class_tag_type="classLabel") if rsd_thres is not None: peak_matrix = filter_rsd(peak_matrix, rsd_thres, Tag(qc_label, "classLabel")) return peak_matrix
[docs]def missing_values_sample_filter(peak_matrix: PeakMatrix, max_fraction: float): """ Removes study samples with greater-than a user-defined “Maximum percentage of missing values” from the peak intensity matrix. A missing value is defined as the absence of a recorded peak intensity value for a specific mass spectral peak, in a specific study sample. Samples with large numbers of missing values are often observed where a failed mass spectral acquisition has occurred, the reasons for which are many and diverse. :param peak_matrix: PeakMatrix object :param max_fraction: **Maximum percentage of missing values** (REQUIRED; default = 0.8) - a numeric value ranging from 0 to 1 (decimal representation of percentage), where: * A value of 0 (i.e. 0%) corresponds to a very harsh filtering procedure, in which only those samples with zero missing values are retained in the output peak matrix. * A value of 1 (i.e. 100%) corresponds to a very liberal filtering procedure, in which samples with as many as 100% missing values will be retained in the output peak matrix. :return: PeakMatrix object """ return peak_matrix.remove_samples( np.where([(x / float(peak_matrix.shape[1]) >= max_fraction) for x in peak_matrix.missing_values]))
[docs]def remove_samples(obj: Union[PeakMatrix, Sequence[PeakList]], sample_names: list): """ Remove samples from a PeakMatrix or list of PeakLists :param obj: PeakMatrix object or List of PeakList objects :param sample_names: List of sample names (Peaklist IDs) :return: PeakMatrix object or List of Peaklist Objects """ if isinstance(obj, PeakMatrix): return obj.remove_samples(np.where([(x in sample_names) for x in obj.peaklist_ids])) elif isinstance(obj[0], PeakList): return [pl for pl in obj if pl.ID not in sample_names] else: raise IOError("Incorrect format - PeakMatrix object or list of PeakList objects")
[docs]def hdf5_peak_matrix_to_txt(filename: str, path_out: str, attr_name: str = "intensity", rsd_tags: tuple = (), delimiter: str = "\t", samples_in_rows: bool = True, comprehensive: bool = False, compatibility_mode: bool = False): """ Converts a .hdf5 file, containing a peak intensity matrix, to an user-friendly .tsv (tab-separated values) file. :param filename: Path to the .hdf5 file to read from. :param path_out: Path to a text file to write to. :param attr_name: The Peak Matrix should contain Intensity|m/z|SNR| values :param rsd_tags: Calculate RDS values for the following sample classes (e.g. QC, control) :param delimiter: Values on each line of the file are separated by this character. :param samples_in_rows: Should the rows or columns represent the samples? :param comprehensive: Comprehensive Peak Matrix (e.g. m/z and intensity, rsd, missing values). :param compatibility_mode: Set to True to read .hdf5 files from dimspy < v2.0 exported .hdf5 files """ if not os.path.isfile(filename): raise IOError('HDF5 database [%s] does not exist' % filename) if not h5py.is_hdf5(filename): raise IOError('input file [%s] is not a valid HDF5 database' % filename) obj = hdf5_portal.load_peak_matrix_from_hdf5(filename, compatibility_mode=compatibility_mode) with open(os.path.join(path_out), "w") as pk_out: pk_out.write(obj.to_str(attr_name=attr_name, delimiter=delimiter, samples_in_rows=samples_in_rows, rsd_tags=rsd_tags, comprehensive=comprehensive)) return
[docs]def hdf5_peaklists_to_txt(filename: str, path_out: str, delimiter: str = "\t", compatibility_mode: bool = False): """ Converts a .hdf5 file, containing a list peaklists, to user-friendly .tsv (tab-separated values) files. :param filename: Path to the .hdf5 file to read from. :param path_out: Path to directory to write to. :param delimiter: Values on each line of the file are separated by this character. :param compatibility_mode: Set to True to read .hdf5 files exported using dimspy < v2.0. """ if not os.path.isfile(filename): raise IOError('HDF5 database [%s] does not exist' % filename) if not h5py.is_hdf5(filename): raise IOError('input file [%s] is not a valid HDF5 database' % filename) if not os.path.isdir(path_out): raise IOError("File or Directory does not exist:".format(path_out)) obj = hdf5_portal.load_peaklists_from_hdf5(filename, compatibility_mode=compatibility_mode) if "#" in obj[0].ID: fns = set([pl.ID.split("#")[0] for pl in obj]) sub_ids = [pl.ID.split("#")[1] for pl in obj] for fn in fns: with open(os.path.join(path_out, os.path.splitext(fn)[0] + ".txt"), "w") as pk_out: for i, pl in enumerate(obj): if fn in pl.ID: pl.add_attribute("window", pl.full_shape[0] * [sub_ids[i]], flagged_only=False, on_index=3) pk_out.write(pl.to_str(delimiter=delimiter)) pl.drop_attribute("window") else: for pl in obj: with open(os.path.join(path_out, os.path.splitext(pl.ID)[0] + ".txt"), "w") as pk_out: pk_out.write(pl.to_str(delimiter=delimiter)) return
[docs]def merge_peaklists(source: Sequence[PeakList], filelist: Union[str, None] = None): """ Extracts and exports specific PeakList object from one or more list or one or more .hdf5 files, to one or more lists or .hdf5 files. If more-than one .hdf5 file is exported, users can control which subset of peaklists are exported to which list. :param source: List or tuple of Peaklist objects, or .hdf5 files :param filelist: A tab-delimited text file containing metadata to determine which peaklists are exported together: **Example of a filelist** - the optional multilist column determines which peaklists are exported together. +-----------------+------------+-----------+-------+----------------+-----------+-------+ | filename | classLabel | replicate | batch | injectionOrder | multilist | [...] | +-----------------+------------+-----------+-------+----------------+-----------+-------+ | sample_rep1.raw | sample | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | [...] | +-----------------+------------+-----------+-------+----------------+-----------+-------+ | sample_rep2.raw | sample | 2 | 1 | 2 | 1 | [...] | +-----------------+------------+-----------+-------+----------------+-----------+-------+ | sample_rep3.raw | sample | 3 | 1 | 3 | 1 | [...] | +-----------------+------------+-----------+-------+----------------+-----------+-------+ | sample_rep4.raw | sample | 4 | 1 | 4 | 1 | [...] | +-----------------+------------+-----------+-------+----------------+-----------+-------+ | blank_rep1.raw | blank | 1 | 1 | 5 | 2 | [...] | +-----------------+------------+-----------+-------+----------------+-----------+-------+ | blank_rep2.raw | blank | 2 | 1 | 6 | 2 | [...] | +-----------------+------------+-----------+-------+----------------+-----------+-------+ | blank_rep3.raw | blank | 3 | 1 | 7 | 2 | [...] | +-----------------+------------+-----------+-------+----------------+-----------+-------+ | blank_rep4.raw | blank | 4 | 1 | 8 | 2 | [...] | +-----------------+------------+-----------+-------+----------------+-----------+-------+ | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | [...] | +-----------------+------------+-----------+-------+----------------+-----------+-------+ :return: Nested lists of Peaklist objects (e.g. [[pl_01, pl_02], [pl_03, pl_04, pl05]] """ if not isinstance(source, list): raise IOError( "Incorrect input: list of lists of peaklists, list of peak matrix objects or list of .HDF5 files expected.") pls_merged = [] for s in source: if isinstance(s, list) or isinstance(s, tuple): if isinstance(s[0], PeakList): pls_merged.extend(s) else: raise IOError("Incorrect Object in list. Peaklist Object expected.") elif isinstance(s, PeakMatrix): pls = s.extract_peaklists() pls_merged.extend(pls) elif h5py.is_hdf5(s): f = h5py.File(s, 'r') if "mz" in f: pm = hdf5_portal.load_peak_matrix_from_hdf5(s) pls = pm.extract_peaklists() else: pls = hdf5_portal.load_peaklists_from_hdf5(s) f.close() pls_merged.extend(pls) else: raise IOError( "Incorrect input: list of lists of peaklists, list of peak matrix objects or list of HDF5 files expected.") if filelist is not None: fl = validate_metadata(filelist) pls_merged = update_metadata_and_labels(pls_merged, fl) if 'multilist' in list(fl.keys()): # make sure the peaklists are in the correct order (need to be sorted ascending) order_indx = np.argsort([i.metadata['multilist'] for i in pls_merged]) nlists = [fl['multilist'][i] for i in order_indx] pls_merged = [pls_merged[i] for i in order_indx] # get the break points of the different lists to join together bp = list(np.cumsum(np.unique(nlists, return_counts=True)[1])) bp = bp[:-1] # break up the list into a list of lists pls_merged = partition(pls_merged, bp) return pls_merged
[docs]def partition(alist: list, indices: list): """ Divide separated lists into nested sublists :param alist: List :param indices: Indices :return: Nested List """ return [alist[i:j] for i, j in zip([0] + indices, indices + [None])]
[docs]def load_peaklists(source: Union[Sequence[PeakList] or str]): """ Load a set of processed PeakLists :param source: list of Peaklist objects, .hdf5 file, or path to a directory :return: List of Peaklist Objects """ if type(source) == str: source = source.encode('unicode_escape') if h5py.is_hdf5(source): peaklists = hdf5_portal.load_peaklists_from_hdf5(source) elif os.path.isdir(source): filenames = os.listdir(source) assert len([fn for fn in filenames if fn.lower().endswith(".mzml") or fn.lower().endswith(".raw")]) == 0, \ "Incorrect format. Process .mzML and .raw files first using the \'process scans\' function" peaklists = [ txt_portal.load_peaklist_from_txt(os.path.join(source, fn), ID=os.path.basename(fn), delimiter="\t", has_flag_col=False) for fn in filenames] else: raise IOError("Incorrect format. Process .mzML and .raw files first using the 'process scans' function") elif type(source) == list or type(source) == tuple: if not isinstance(source[0], PeakList): raise IOError("List has incorrect format. PeakList objects required.") else: peaklists = source else: raise IOError("Inccorrect input: list with peaklist objects or path") return peaklists
[docs]def create_sample_list(source: Union[Sequence[PeakList], PeakMatrix], path_out: str, delimiter: str = "\t"): """ Create a sample list based on a existing list of PeakList Objects or PeaMatrix Object. :param source: List of PeakList objects or PeakMatrix object :param path_out: Path to a text file text file to write to. :param delimiter: Values on each line of the file are separated by this character. """ if isinstance(source, list) or isinstance(source, tuple): if not isinstance(source[0], PeakList): raise IOError("Inccorrect input: list with peaklist objects") pls_tags = [pl.tags for pl in source] pls_ids = [pl.ID for pl in source] elif isinstance(source, PeakMatrix): pls_tags = source.peaklist_tags pls_ids = source.peaklist_ids else: raise IOError("Incorrect format") header = ["filename"] header.extend([tn.ttype for tn in pls_tags[0].typed_tags]) with open(path_out, "w") as out: out.write("{}".format(delimiter).join(map(str, header)) + "\n") for i in range(len(pls_tags)): row = ["NA"] * len(header) row[0] = pls_ids[i] for t in pls_tags[i].typed_tags: row[header.index(t.ttype)] = pls_tags[i].tag_of(t.ttype).value out.write("{}".format(delimiter).join(map(str, row)) + "\n") return