Source code for dimspy.process.peak_alignment

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright © 2017-2020 Ralf Weber, Albert Zhou.
# This file is part of DIMSpy.
# DIMSpy is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# DIMSpy is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with DIMSpy.  If not, see <>.

import logging
from collections import Counter
from functools import reduce
from multiprocessing import Pool, cpu_count
from operator import itemgetter
from typing import Sequence, List, Union

import fastcluster as fc
import numpy as np
from ..models.peak_matrix import PeakMatrix
from ..models.peaklist import PeakList
from scipy import cluster
from scipy.spatial.distance import squareform

# single cluster
def _cluster_peaks(mzs: Sequence[float], ppm: float, distype: str = 'euclidean', linkmode: str = 'centroid'):
    if len(mzs) == 0:
        return np.array([])
    if len(mzs) == 1:
        return np.zeros_like(mzs, dtype=int).reshape((-1, 1))

    outer_mzs = np.add.outer(mzs, mzs)
    np.fill_diagonal(outer_mzs, 0)

    # avg_mz_pair = np.divide(outer_mzs, 2)
    outer_mzs /= 2  # inplace operation to reduce memory usage

    # mdist_mz_pair = squareform(avg_mz_pair)
    mdist_mz_pair = squareform(outer_mzs)
    del outer_mzs  # reduce memory use

    m = np.column_stack([mzs])
    mdist = fc.pdist(m, metric=distype)
    del m

    # relative_errors = np.multiply(mdist_mz_pair, 1e-6)
    mdist_mz_pair *= 1e-6  # inplace operation to reduce memory usage

    with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'):  # using errstate context to avoid seterr side effects
        # m_mass_tol = np.divide(mdist, relative_errors)
        mdist /= mdist_mz_pair  # inplace operation to reduce memory usage
        # m_mass_tol[np.isnan(m_mass_tol)] = 0.0
        mdist[np.isnan(mdist)] = 0.0

    # z = fc.linkage(m_mass_tol, method=linkmode)
    z = fc.linkage(mdist, method=linkmode)
    del mdist, mdist_mz_pair

    # cut tree at ppm threshold
    return cluster.hierarchy.cut_tree(z, height=ppm)

# multiprocess cluster
def _cluster_peaks_mp(params):
    return _cluster_peaks(*params)

def _cluster_peaks_map(mzs: Sequence[float], ppm: float, block_size: int, fixed_block: bool,
                       edge_extend: Union[int, float], ncpus: Union[int, None]) -> List[List[int]]:
    if not np.all(mzs[1:] >= mzs[:-1]):
        raise ValueError('mz values not in ascending order')
    if not 1 <= block_size <= len(mzs):
        # logging.warning('block size (%d) not in range [1, #peaks (%d)]' % (block_size, len(mzs)))
        block_size = min(max(block_size, 1), len(mzs))

    # split blocks
    if fixed_block:
        sids = list(range(block_size, len(mzs), block_size))
        umzs, urids = np.unique(mzs, return_index=True)
        sids = [urids[i] for i in range(block_size, len(umzs), block_size)]  # appx size
    if len(sids) > 0 and sids[-1] == len(mzs) - 1:
        sids = sids[:-1]  # no need to cluster the final peak separately

    # create mapping pool
    def _mmap(f, p):
        ppool = Pool(cpu_count() - 1 if ncpus is None else ncpus)
        rets =, p)
        ppool.close()  # close after parallel finished
        return list(rets)

    def _smap(f, p):
        return list(map(f, p))

    def _pmap(f, p):
        largechk = [x for x in p if len(x[0]) > 1E+5]
        if len(largechk) > 0:
            raise RuntimeError('Some of the clustering chunks contain too many peaks: \n%s' %
                                        ['mz range [%.5f - %.5f] ... [%d] peaks' % (min(x[0]), max(x[0]), len(x[0])) for
                                         x in largechk]))
        return (_smap if ncpus == 1 or cpu_count() <= 2 else _mmap)(f, p)

    # align edges
    eeppm = edge_extend * ppm * 1e-6
    _rng = lambda x: (lambda v: np.where(np.logical_and(x - v < mzs, mzs <= x + v))[0])(eeppm * x)
    erngs = [_rng(mzs[i]) for i in sids]

    overlap = [p[-1] >= s[0] for p, s in zip(erngs[:-1], erngs[1:])]  # in case edges have overlap
    if True in overlap:
        logging.warning('[%d] edge blocks overlapped, consider increasing the block size' % (sum(overlap) + 1))
        erngs = reduce(lambda x, y: (x[:-1] + [np.unique(np.hstack((x[-1], y[0])))]) if y[1] else x + [y[0]],
                       zip(erngs[1:], overlap), [erngs[0]])
        sids = [sids[0]] + [s for s, o in zip(sids[1:], overlap) if not o]

    _cids = _pmap(_cluster_peaks_mp, [(mzs[r], ppm) for r in erngs])
    eblks = [r[c == c[r == s]] for s, r, c in zip(sids, erngs, [x.flatten() for x in _cids])]
    ecids = [np.zeros_like(x).reshape((-1, 1)) for x in eblks]

    # align blocks
    # keep () in reduce in case eblks is empty
    brngs = np.array(
        (0,) + reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, [(x[0], x[-1] + 1) for x in eblks], ()) + (len(mzs),)
    ).reshape((-1, 2))

    # in case edges have reached mz bounds
    bkmzs = [mzs[slice(*r)] for r in brngs]
    slimbk = [len(x) == 0 or abs(x[-1] - x[0]) / x[0] < eeppm * 10 for x in bkmzs]
    if np.sum(slimbk) > 0:
        pbrngs = [[min(x, len(mzs) - 1) for x in (r[0], r[-1] - 1 if r[-1] != r[0] else r[-1])] for r in brngs]
        pblns = ['block %d' % i + ': [%f, %f]' % itemgetter(*r)(mzs)
                 for i, (s, r) in enumerate(zip(slimbk, pbrngs)) if s]
        logging.warning('[%d] empty / slim clustering block(s) found, consider increasing the block size\n%s' %
                        (np.sum(slimbk), str.join('\n', pblns)))
    bcids = _pmap(_cluster_peaks_mp, [(m, ppm) for m in bkmzs])

    # combine
    cids = [None] * (len(bcids) + len(ecids))
    cids[::2], cids[1::2] = bcids, ecids
    if any(map(lambda x: x is None, cids)): raise RuntimeError('class index not assigned')
    return cids

def _cluster_peaks_reduce(clusters: List[List]):
    return reduce(lambda x, y: np.vstack((x, y + np.max(x) + 1)), [x for x in clusters if len(x) > 0]).flatten()

# alignment
def _align_peaks(cids: np.ndarray, pids: np.ndarray, *attrs):
    if not all([x.shape == cids.shape == pids.shape for x in attrs]):
        raise ValueError('attributes shape not match')

    # encode string id list to continuous values and search uniques
    def _idsmap(ids):
        _, ri, vi = np.unique(ids, return_index=True, return_inverse=True)
        sri = np.argsort(ri)  # ensure order
        return np.argsort(sri)[vi], ids[ri[sri]]

    (mcids, mpids), (ucids, upids) = list(zip(*map(_idsmap, (cids, pids))))

    # count how many peaks from same sample being clustered into one peak
    cM = np.zeros((len(upids), len(ucids)))
    for pos, count in Counter(zip(mpids, mcids)).items():
        cM[pos] = count

    # fill all the attributes into matrix
    def _avg_am(a):
        aM = np.zeros((len(upids), len(ucids)))
        for p, v in zip(zip(mpids, mcids), a):
            aM[p] += v
        with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'):
            aM /= cM
        aM[np.isnan(aM)] = 0
        return aM

    def _cat_am(a):
        aM = [[[] for _ in ucids] for _ in upids]
        for (r, c), v in zip(zip(mpids, mcids), a):
            aM[r][c] += [str(v)]
        aM = [[str.join(',', val) for val in ln] for ln in aM]
        return np.array(aM)

    def _fillam(a):
        alg = _avg_am if a.dtype.kind in ('i', 'u', 'f') else \
            _cat_am if a.dtype.kind in ('?', 'b', 'a', 'S', 'U') else \
                lambda x: logging.warning('undefined alignment behaviour for [%s] dtype data')  # returns None
        return alg(a)

    attrMs = list(map(_fillam, attrs))

    # sort mz values, ensure mzs matrix be the first
    sortids = np.argsort(np.average(attrMs[0], axis=0, weights=attrMs[0].astype(bool)))
    return upids, [x[:, sortids] for x in attrMs + [cM]]

# interface
[docs]def align_peaks(peaks: Sequence[PeakList], ppm: float = 2.0, block_size: int = 5000, fixed_block: bool = True, edge_extend: Union[int, float] = 10, ncpus: Union[int, None] = None): """ Cluster and align peaklists into a peak matrix. :param peaks: List of peaklists for alignment :param ppm: The hierarchical clustering cutting height, i.e., ppm range for each aligned mz value. Default = 2.0 :param block_size: number peaks in each centre clustering block. This can be a exact or approximate number depends on the fixed_block parameter. Default = 5000 :param fixed_block: Whether the blocks contain fixed number of peaks. Default = True :param edge_extend: Ppm range for the edge blocks. Default = 10 :param ncpus: Number of CPUs for parallel clustering. Default = None, indicating using as many as possible :rtype: PeakMatrix object .. figure:: images/alignment.png :align: center This function uses hierarchical clustering to align the mz values of the input peaklists. The alignment "width" is decided by the parameter of ppm. Due to a large number of peaks, this function splits them into blocks with fixed or approximate length, and clusters in a parallel manner on multiple CPUs. When running, the edge blocks are clustered first to prevent separating the same peak into two adjacent centre blocks. The size of the edge blocks is decided by edge_extend. The clustering of centre blocks is conducted afterwards. After merging the clustering results, all the attributes (mz, intensity, snr, etc.) are aligned into matrix accordingly. If multiple peaks from the same sample are clustered into one mz value, their attributes are averaged (for real value attributes e.g. mz and intensity) or concatenated (string, unicode, or bool attributes). The flag attributes are ignored. The number of these overlapping peaks is recorded in a new intra_count attribute matrix. """ # remove empty peaklists emlst = np.array([x.size == 0 for x in peaks]) if np.sum(emlst) > 0: logging.warning( 'droping empty peaklist(s) [%s]' % str.join(',', map(str, [p.ID for e, p in zip(emlst, peaks) if e]))) peaks = [p for e, p in zip(emlst, peaks) if not e] if len(peaks) == 0: raise ValueError('all input peaklists for alignment are empty') # obtain attrs attrs = peaks[0].attributes if attrs[:2] != ('mz', 'intensity'): raise AttributeError('PANIC: peak attributes in wrong order') if not all([attrs == x.attributes for x in peaks]): raise ValueError('peak attributes not the same') if 'intra_count' in attrs: raise AttributeError('preserved attribute name [intra_count] already exists') attrs = [x for x in attrs if x not in peaks[0].flag_attributes] # flags should be excluded # single peaklist if len(peaks) == 1: attrlst = [(a, peaks[0][a].reshape((1, -1))) for a in attrs] + \ [('intra_count', np.ones((1, peaks[0].size)))] return PeakMatrix([peaks[0].ID], [peaks[0].tags], attrlst) # flatten f_pids = np.hstack([[p.ID] * p.size for p in peaks]) f_attrs = [np.hstack([p[attr] for p in peaks]) for attr in attrs] sortids = np.argsort(f_attrs[0]) # attrs[0] -> mz values s_pids = f_pids[sortids] s_attrs = [x[sortids] for x in f_attrs] # cluster clusters = _cluster_peaks_map(s_attrs[0], ppm, block_size, fixed_block, edge_extend, ncpus) cids = _cluster_peaks_reduce(clusters) # align a_pids, a_attrms = _align_peaks(cids, s_pids, *s_attrs) attrs += ('intra_count',) # for cM # sort by original pid pids = f_pids[sorted(np.unique(f_pids, return_index=True)[1])] pdct = dict((i, mi) for mi, i in enumerate(a_pids)) porder = [pdct[i] for i in pids] o_attrms = [x[porder] if x is not None else None for x in a_attrms] return PeakMatrix(pids, [p.tags for p in peaks], [x for x in zip(attrs, o_attrms) if x[1] is not None])