Source code for dimspy.process.replicate_processing

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright © 2017-2020 Ralf Weber, Albert Zhou.
# This file is part of DIMSpy.
# DIMSpy is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# DIMSpy is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with DIMSpy.  If not, see <>.

import collections
import logging
import os
from functools import reduce
from typing import Sequence, Dict

import numpy as np
from ..metadata import mz_range_from_header
from ..metadata import scan_type_from_header
from ..models.peaklist import PeakList
from ..portals import mzml_portal
from ..portals import thermo_raw_portal

from .peak_alignment import align_peaks

def _calculate_edges(mz_ranges):
    s_mz_ranges = list(map(sorted, mz_ranges))
    if len(s_mz_ranges) == 1:
        return s_mz_ranges

    s_min, s_max = list(zip(*s_mz_ranges))
    assert all([x[0] < x[1] for x in zip(s_min[:-1], s_min[1:])]), 'start values not in order'
    assert all([x[0] < x[1] for x in zip(s_max[:-1], s_max[1:])]), 'end values not in order'

    s_zip = list(zip(s_min[1:], s_max[:-1]))
    e_size = [(x[1] - x[0]) * 0.5 for x in s_zip]
    assert all([x > 0 for x in e_size]), 'incorrect overlap'

    merged = (s_min[0],) + reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, [(z[0] + e, z[1] - e) for z, e in zip(s_zip, e_size)]) + (
    return list(zip(merged[::2], merged[1::2]))

[docs]def remove_edges(pls_sd: Dict): """ Removes overlapping m/z regions of adjacent (SIM) windows / scan events. :param pls_sd: List of peaklist objects :return: List of peaklist objects """ if type(pls_sd) is not dict and type(pls_sd) is not collections.OrderedDict: raise TypeError("Incorrect format - dict or collections.OrderedDict required") mzrs = [mz_range_from_header(h) for h in pls_sd] new_mzrs = _calculate_edges(mzrs) for h in list(pls_sd.keys()): mz_ranges = len(pls_sd[h]) * [new_mzrs[list(pls_sd.keys()).index(h)]] for i in range(len(pls_sd[h])): remove = [np.where(pls_sd[h][i].mz == mz)[0][0] for mz in pls_sd[h][i].mz if mz < mz_ranges[i][0] or mz >= mz_ranges[i][1]] for mz in pls_sd[h][i].mz: if mz < mz_ranges[i][0] or mz >= mz_ranges[i][1]: remove.extend(list(np.where(pls_sd[h][i].mz == mz)[0])) pls_sd[h][i].remove_peak(remove) return pls_sd
[docs]def read_scans(fn: str, function_noise: str, min_scans: int = 1, filter_scan_events: Dict = None): """ Read, filter, group and sort scans based on the header / filter string Helper function for 'process_scans (tools module)' :param fn: Path to the .mzml or .raw file :param function_noise: Function to calculate the noise from each scan. The following options are available: * **median** - the median of all peak intensities within a given scan is used as the noise value. * **mean** - the unweighted mean average of all peak intensities within a given scan is used as the noise value. * **mad (Mean Absolute Deviation)** - the noise value is set as the mean of the absolute differences between peak intensities and the mean peak intensity (calculated across all peak intensities within a given scan). * **noise_packets** - the noise value is calculated using the proprietary algorithms contained in Thermo Fisher Scientific’s msFileReader library. This option should only be applied when you are processing .RAW files. :param min_scans: Minimum number of scans required for each *m/z* window or event within a raw/mzML data file. :param filter_scan_events: Include or exclude specific scan events, by default all ALL scan events will be included. To include or exclude specific scan events use the following format of a dictionary. >>> {"include":[[100, 300, "sim"]]} or {"include":[[100, 1000, "full"]]} :return: List of peaklist objects """ if filter_scan_events is None: filter_scan_events = {} if not fn.lower().endswith(".mzml") and not fn.lower().endswith(".raw"): raise IOError("Check format raw data (.RAW or .mzML)") if min_scans is not None and type(min_scans) is not int: raise ValueError("Integer (>= 1) or None required for min_scans") if fn.lower().endswith(".mzml"): run = mzml_portal.Mzml(fn) elif fn.lower().endswith(".raw"): run = thermo_raw_portal.ThermoRaw(fn) else: raise IOError("Incorrect format: {}".format(os.path.basename(fn))) h_sids = run.headers() if type(filter_scan_events) is dict and len(filter_scan_events) > 0: if ("include" in filter_scan_events and "exclude" in filter_scan_events) or \ ("include" not in filter_scan_events and "exclude" not in filter_scan_events): raise ValueError( "Use 'exclude' or 'include' for filter_scan_events not both. E.g {'include': ['FTMS + p ESI w SIM ms [70.00-170.00]']} or {'include': [[70.0, 170.0, 'sim']]}") if isinstance(list(filter_scan_events.values())[0][0], str): if list(filter_scan_events.keys())[0] == "include": h_sids_temp = collections.OrderedDict() for hd in list(filter_scan_events.values())[0]: h_sids_temp[hd] = h_sids[hd] h_sids = h_sids_temp elif list(filter_scan_events.keys())[0] == "exclude": for hd in list(filter_scan_events.values())[0]: del h_sids[hd] elif isinstance(list(filter_scan_events.values())[0][0], list): if len([True for fse in list(filter_scan_events.values())[0] if len(fse) == 3]) != len( list(filter_scan_events.values())[0]): raise ValueError("Provide a start, end and scan type (sim or full) for filter_scan_events.") filter_scan_events = {list(filter_scan_events.keys())[0]: [[float(fse[0]), float(fse[1]), str(fse[2])] for fse in list(filter_scan_events.values())[0]]} h_descs = {} for h in h_sids.copy(): mzr = mz_range_from_header(h) h_descs[h] = [mzr[0], mzr[1], scan_type_from_header(h).lower()] incl_excl = list(filter_scan_events.keys())[0] for hd in filter_scan_events[incl_excl]: if hd not in list(h_descs.values()): logging.warning("Event {} doest not exist".format(str(hd))) for hd in h_descs: if list(filter_scan_events.keys())[0] == "include": if h_descs[hd] not in filter_scan_events["include"]: del h_sids[hd] elif list(filter_scan_events.keys())[0] == "exclude": if h_descs[hd] in filter_scan_events["exclude"]: del h_sids[hd] if len(h_sids) == 0: raise Exception("No scan data to process. Check filter_scan_events") scans = collections.OrderedDict() for h, sids in h_sids.items(): if len(sids) >= min_scans: scans[h] = run.peaklists(sids, function_noise) else: logging.warning( 'Not enough scans for [{}] [{} < {}]. Scan event {} has been removed.'.format(h, len(scans), min_scans, h)) run.close() return scans
[docs]def average_replicate_scans(name: str, pls: Sequence[PeakList], ppm: float = 2.0, min_fraction: float = 0.8, rsd_thres: float = 30.0, rsd_on: str = "intensity", block_size: int = 5000, ncpus: int = None): """ Align, filter and average replicate scans/peaklist Helper function for 'process_scans (tools module)' :param name: Name average peaklist :param pls: List of peaklists :param ppm: Maximum tolerated m/z deviation in parts per million. :param min_fraction: A numerical value from 0 to 1 that specifies the minimum proportion of scans a given mass spectral peak must be detected in, in order for it to be kept in the output peaklist. Here, scans refers to replicates of the same scan event type, i.e. if set to 0.33, then a peak would need to be detected in at least 1 of the 3 replicates of a given scan event type. :param rsd_thres: Relative standard deviation threshold - A numerical value equal-to or greater-than 0. If greater than 0, then peaks whose intensity values have a percent relative standard deviation (otherwise termed the percent coefficient of variation) greater-than this value are excluded from the output peaklist. :param rsd_on: Intensity or SNR :param block_size: Number peaks in each centre clustering block. :param ncpus: Number of CPUs for parallel clustering. Default = None, indicating using all CPUs that are available :return: List of peaklists """ emlst = np.array([x.size == 0 for x in pls]) if np.sum(emlst) > 0: logging.warning('No scan data available for {}'.format(str([p.ID for e, p in zip(emlst, pls) if e]))) pls = [p for e, p in zip(emlst, pls) if not e] pm = align_peaks(pls, ppm=ppm, block_size=block_size, ncpus=ncpus) pl_avg = pm.to_peaklist(ID=name) # meta data for pl in pls: for k, v in list(pl.metadata.items()): if k not in pl_avg.metadata: pl_avg.metadata[k] = [] if v is not None: pl_avg.metadata[k].append(v) if rsd_on != "intensity": pl_avg.add_attribute(rsd_on, pm.attr_mean_vector(rsd_on), on_index=2) rsd_label = "rsd_{}".format(rsd_on) shift = 1 else: rsd_label = "rsd" shift = 0 pl_avg.add_attribute("snr", pm.attr_mean_vector('snr'), on_index=2 + shift) pl_avg.add_attribute("snr_flag", np.ones(pl_avg.full_size), flagged_only=False, is_flag=True) pl_avg.add_attribute(rsd_label, pm.rsd(on_attr=rsd_on, flagged_only=False), on_index=5 + shift) if min_fraction is not None: pl_avg.add_attribute("fraction_flag", (pm.present / float(pm.shape[0])) >= min_fraction, flagged_only=False, is_flag=True) if rsd_thres is not None: if pm.shape[0] == 1: logging.warning('applying RSD filter on single scan, all peaks removed') rsd_flag = [not np.isnan(x) and x < rsd_thres for x in pl_avg.get_attribute(rsd_label, flagged_only=False)] pl_avg.add_attribute("{}_flag".format(rsd_label), rsd_flag, flagged_only=False, is_flag=True) return pl_avg
[docs]def average_replicate_peaklists(pls: Sequence[PeakList], ppm: float, min_peaks: int, rsd_thres: float = None, block_size: int = 5000, ncpus: int = None): """ Align, filter and average replicate peaklists. Helper function for 'replicate_filter (tools module)' :param pls: List of peaklists :param ppm: Maximum tolerated m/z deviation in parts per million. :param min_peaks: Minimum number of technical replicates (i.e. peaklists) a peak has to be present in. :param rsd_thres: Relative standard deviation threshold - A numerical value equal-to or greater-than 0. If greater than 0, then peaks whose intensity values have a percent relative standard deviation (otherwise termed the percent coefficient of variation) greater-than this value are excluded from the output peaklist. :param block_size: Number peaks in each centre clustering block. :param ncpus: Number of CPUs for parallel clustering. Default = None, indicating using all CPUs that are available :return: List of peaklists """ pm = align_peaks(pls, ppm, block_size, ncpus) prefix = os.path.commonprefix([p.ID for p in pls]) merged_id = "{}{}".format(prefix, "_".join(map(str, [p.ID.replace(prefix, "").split(".")[0] for p in pls]))) pl = pm.to_peaklist(ID=merged_id) if "snr" in pm.attributes: pl.add_attribute("snr", pm.attr_mean_vector("snr"), on_index=2) pl.add_attribute("rsd", pm.rsd(flagged_only=False), on_index=5) pl.add_attribute("present_flag", pm.present >= min_peaks, is_flag=True) if rsd_thres is not None: rsd_flag = [not np.isnan(x) and x < rsd_thres for x in pl.get_attribute("rsd", flagged_only=False)] pl.add_attribute("rsd_flag", rsd_flag, flagged_only=False, is_flag=True) return pl
[docs]def join_peaklists(name: str, pls: Sequence[PeakList]): """ Join/Merge peaklists (i.e. windows) with different m/z ranges. Helper function for 'process_scans (tools module)' :param name: Name newly created joined/merged peaklist :param pls: List of peaklists :return: Peaklist """ def _join_atrtributes(pls): attrs_out = collections.OrderedDict() for pl in pls: for atr in pl.attributes: attrs_out.setdefault(atr, []).extend(list(pl.get_attribute(atr, flagged_only=False))) if list(pl.attributes) != list(attrs_out.keys()): raise IOError("Different attributes") return attrs_out def _join_meta_data(pl, pls): # meta data for pl_ in pls: for k, v in list(pl_.metadata.items()): if k not in pl.metadata: pl.metadata[k] = [] if v is not None: pl.metadata[k].extend(v) return pl attrs = _join_atrtributes(pls) pl_j = PeakList(ID=name, mz=attrs["mz"], intensity=attrs["intensity"]) del attrs["mz"], attrs["intensity"] # default attributes for a in attrs: pl_j.add_attribute(a, attrs[a], is_flag=(a in pls[0].flag_attributes), flagged_only=False) return _join_meta_data(pl_j, pls)